There will be fifteen scientific topics, which cover specific and important areas of neutron scattering. In addition eight mini symposia focus on particular and relevant topics. It has become the tradition of the conference that the poster sessions are the central part of the meeting. Therefore each session and each mini-symposium will have its poster session.
Printable files (pdf) of the Abstract Book, i.e. Conference Programme (preface, 3MB!) and abstracts of the talks, as well as Poster Session A, Session B and Session C and Author Index are available. Please do not care about the page breaks. The printed version will be much better.
Sunday | |||||
15:00 -19:00 |
Registration | ||||
17:00 -19:00 |
Reception, Bavarian Buffet | ||||
Monday | |||||
8:45 | Welcome | ||||
Plenary Session | |||||
9:00 | A. Zheludev, Interacting Quantum Spin Chains | ||||
9:45 | G. Zaccai, Neutrons in the Post-Genome Sequencing Era | ||||
10:30 | Coffee break | ||||
11:00 | T: Low Dimensional and Quantum Spin Systems | T: Methods and Instrumentation I | T: Materials in Motion | T: Complex Fluids | |
12:30 | Lunch | ||||
14:00 | MS Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers | MS Neutrons and High-Energy X-Rays in Materials Science | MS Hydrogen Atoms in Biological Function | T: Bulk Polymers | |
15:30 | Coffee break | ||||
16:00 | MS continuation | MS continuation | MS continuation | ||
17:00 -19:00 |
Poster Session A Neutron Instrumentation I (A1-A62) Soft Condensed Matter I (A63-A82) Magnetism I (A83-A134) Material Science I (A135-A195) Biology I (A196-A209) Industrial Applications (A210-A239) MS Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers (A240-A269) MS Neutrons and High-Energy X-Rays in Material Science (A270-A282) MS Hydrogen Atoms in Biological Function (A283-A287) |
19:00 | EU Facilities Users Meeting (Audimax) | ||||
Tuesday | |||||
Plenary Session | |||||
9:00 | T. Hashimoto, Neutron Scattering Studies of Hierarchy Structure and "Interphase Scattering" in Phase-Separating Binary Mixtures | ||||
9:45 | S. Hayden, Novel Magnetic Excitations in Metals and Superconductors | ||||
10:30 | Coffee break | ||||
11:00 | T: Magnetic Structure and Dynamics I | T: Methods and Instrumentation II | T: Hydrogen in Materials | T: Molecules under Restraint | |
12:30 | Lunch | ||||
14:00 | MS Spin, Charge and Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Perovskites and Related Compounds | MS Optimization of Neutron Devices by Simulation | MS Industrial Applications of Neutron Scattering | T: Biological Systems I | |
15:30 | Coffee break | ||||
16:00 | MS continuation | MS continuation | MS continuation | T: Biological Systems II | |
17:00 | Poster Session B Neutron Instrumentation II (B1-B47) Soft Condensed Matter II (B48-B83) Magnetism II (B84-B145) Material Science II (B146-B185) Biology II (B186-B199) Chemistry I (B200-B214) MS Spin, Charge and Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Perovskites and Related Compounds (B215-B246) MS Optimization of Neutron Devices by Simulation (B247-B270) MS Industrial Applications of Neutron Scattering (B271-B287) |
19:00 | Sandwiches and Beer | ||||
20:00 | Walter Hälg Prize, Award and Lecture | ||||
Wednesday (Garching) | |||||
Plenary Session on Advanced Sources | |||||
9:00 | T. Mason, The Spallation Neutron Source: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research | ||||
9:30 | S. Ikeda, Japanese Spallation Neutron Source | ||||
10:00 | D. Richter, The European Spallation Source Project | ||||
10:30 | W. Gläser, The New Neutron Source FRM-II | ||||
11:00 | Coffee break | ||||
11:30 | International Neutron Scattering Community
Overview of new and upgraded Neutron Sources |
12:15 | Continental Communities: | ||||
ENSA | Asia/Pacific | US/Canada | |||
Group I | Group II | ||||
13:00 14:00 |
Lunch FRM-II Tour |
13:00 | Conference Excursion: Herrenchiemsee |
19:00 | Conference Dinner: Löwenbräukeller | ||||
Thursday | |||||
9:00 | MS Charge, Lattice and Isotope Effects in High-Tc Superconductors |
MS Instrumentation at Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources | T: Frustrated Magnets | T: Polymer Solutions | |
10:30 | Coffee break | ||||
11:00 | MS continuation | MS continuation | T: Organic Molecules | T: Interfaces and Confined Systems | |
12:30 | Lunch | ||||
13:30 | T: Magnetic Structure and Dynamics II | T: Unusual Material States | T: Glasses and Liquids | ||
15:00 | Poster Session C Advanced Neutron Sources (C1-C15) Neutron Instrumentation III (C16-C54) Soft Condensed Matter III (C55-C90) Magnetism III (C91-C159) Material Science III (C160-C207) Chemistry II (C208-C240) MS Charge, Lattice and Isotope Effects in High-Tc Superconductors (C241-C246) MS Instrumentation at Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources (C247-253) Late submissions (C254- ) |
Coffee | |||||
Plenary Session | |||||
17:30 | H. Schober, From Zero to Three Dimensions: Solid State Polymerization in Fullerenes | ||||
18:15 | T. Holden, Advancing Neutron Diffraction as a Tool for the Engineer | ||||
19:00 | Young Scientist Award, Conclusion | ||||
T = Topical Session, MS = Mini Symposia |
Several prizes for young authors presenting the best contributed papers will be awarded during the conference (one award per subject category). Each award will consist of a cash grant, a plaque and a certificate and will be presented at the closing session of the conference.
The eligibility criteria are: