An industrial exhibition is located in the Immatrikulationshalle near the
Conference Office and the Internet Café.
The exhibition is open from Monday to Tuesday and on Thursday from 9:00 to 19:00.
A. S. Scientific Products LTD | Oxford | U.K. |
Astrium | Friedrichshafen | Germany |
Thermo Reax / Thermo Eberline | Santa Fe, NM | USA |
SwissNeutronics | Klingnau | Switzerland |
Huber Diffraktiontechnik GmbH | Rimsting | Germany |
iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH | Radeberg/Rossendorf | Germany |
SIS Struck Innovative Systeme GmbH | Hamburg | Germany |
Oxford Instruments GmbH | Wiesbaden | Germany |
EURISYS MESURES | ST Quentin Yvelines Cedex | France |
Advanced Ceramics Corporation | Obertshausen | Germany |
MTF - Technologie-Transfer GmbH | Berlin | Germany |
nob Neutron Optics Berlin | Berlin | Germany |
NTK NeutronenTechnische Komponenten | Bad Wörishofen | Germany |
S-DH Sputter-Dünnschichttechnik GmbH | Heidelberg | Germany |
MOWO Maschinenbau GmbH | Berlin | Germany |