Mini Symposium: Instrumentation at Advanced Pulsed Sources

Thursday September 13, 2001, N1190, Conveners: K. Crawford, F. Mezei

09:00 P. Radaelli, Powder Diffraction at Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources: Past, Present and Future
09:40 M. Katagiri, High Position Resolution Scintillation Neutron Imaging Detector by Crossed-Fiber Readout with Novel Centroid Finding Method
10:00 C. Schulz, A Novel Large-Area, Low-Pressure Detector with High Position and Time-of-Flight Resolution for Thermal Neutron Imaging
10:20 A. Parizzi, Possibilities for Novel Polarized Pulsed Neutron Instrumentation Based on the TOF Spin Resonance Energy Filter
11:10 F. Mezei, New Multiplexing Concepts to Enhance the Efficiency of Use of Pulsed Sources
11:30 J. Ankner, Anticipated Pwerformance of the SNS Liquids Reflectometer
11:50 J. Santisteban, Comparision of Bragg-Edge Neutron Spectroscpy at ISIS and LANSCE
12:10 General Discussion Time